Check out the Tiger Meal exchange menu of pre-selected combos at on-campus dining locations.


How To Sign Up for a Meal Plan

Step 1: Where are you living? Your Meal Plan Options will vary depending on your housing assignment.

  • Mandatory Housing are all Students in: Barton House, Douglass House, Glen Complex, Newell Hall, Richmond Hall, Prettyman Hall, Scarborough Hall, Residence Tower, & The Residences at 10 West Burke Avenue Floors 2-5. (If you do not select a meal plan, you will be automatically assigned the ALL-ACCESS GOLD PLAN.)
  • Non-Mandatory Housing are all Students in: Millennium Hall, Harris Hall, Tubman House, Barnes Hall, Towson Run, and The Residences at 10 West Burke Avenue Floors 6-15. This is also includes all students who live off campus.

Step 2: Check out the categories below to see which will best fit your lifestyle!

Fork and Knife

About Your Meal Plan

More resources and information can be found below.

Meal Plans 101


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Need Help Choosing a Meal Plan?

Use our meal plan recommendation tool to find your fit!